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Custom Parts and Assemblies
We manufacture Custom Parts and Assemblies for a diversified group of clients which cover a wide range of applications including materials handling, refrigeration components, prototypes and more.
Think safe. Act safe. Be safe. Always.
We are proud of the commitment to safety that all of our employees have made and continue to support.
Our Core Values
With over 70 years of experience in the industry, David W. Wilson Manufacturing Ltd., has established a reputation for quality, dependability and service. We manufacture custom parts and assemblies for a diversified group of clients that cover a wide range of applications, including; material handling, mining equipment, transportation support, refrigeration components, prototypes and more.
Latest News
To find out what’s happening at David W Wilson Manufacturing Ltd, read some of our latest news articles below.
Health & Safety ISO 45001
Congratulations to our Health and Safety Team and all of our employees for becoming certified to the new ISO 45001 Health and Safety Management standard! This is a major step forward as we continue to
Why Not Youth Centre
Here at the Why Not Youth Centre, we have been working on the Facility Facelift project. Our high-traffic building is in need of some attention. Some items have gotten worn out. Some have broken, and